Ft. Worth Weekly, Best of 2020 Award

Updated: Oct 13, 2020

Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for us as the Best of 2020 Kids Activity! We are honored that our passion and all of our hard work was recognized in this incredibly difficult year. Our team has stepped up to provide all riders, but especially kids, with an awesome riding experience in a safe and responsible way.

Thank you again! Come out and celebrate with us by booking a ride!

"Something about horse people: They always seem kinder and more patient than us average folks. And at Benbrook Stables, the horse people there have only the best interests of you and the animals at heart. Whether for a trail ride or lessons, or maybe even a birthday party, you will never regret your trip here. And in these trying times, maybe a little calming nature and animal love are in order."

- Ft. Worth Weekly
